software mechanical

Javascript HTML CSS Python

2016/5- Present
  • Responsive frontend using Bootstrap framework
  • Interactive map using Leaflet.js
  • Interactive 3D model using Three.js
  • Create Django app using Jinja2 templates

Python Bash SQL

2019/9- Present
  • Collect, filter and normalize address data into standard OSM format
  • Setup map builds for OSMAnd and Maps.Me using their CLI tools
  • Setup data pipeline from OpenAddresses to OSM suitable for map builds

Javascript Python

  • Reservation site using Django, Jinja2 templates, Pure CSS/JS
  • Extract and load OSM data into postgresql
  • Test suite using unittest, run before each commit with a hook

Javascript Node

  • Contribute patches to libre review site written in Node, Express, Handlebars
  • Implemented returnToPath patch; use query to redirect user after signin
  • Implemented signupLanguage patch; use optional query to set language
  • Learned fundamentals of computer science using python
  • Learned basic data structures