Website Switched To BuyVM


Website has been moved to BuyVm using the same stack as before. There are several companies that offer the same or better specs as Digital Ocean(DO) with lower prices that I'd been considering. The last straw was not being able to login to DO without switching Firefox to less secure settings(first party isolate off and resistfingerprinting off) and switching uBlock Origin to easy mode so it could contact a ridiculous amount of random domains.

The switchover took longer than I anticipated, but I took a lot of notes so setting up Debian should go quicker next time. I also swapped the domain and dns to NameSilo since it saved me a couple bucks and made my dns independent of hosting provider. BuyVM's weird rules also slowed me down. They had to provision during normal business hours and my contact info had to match my payment info EXACTLY. The first pushed the swap to Monday and the second made me really rethink the decision, leading to a few hours wondering if should dump them and stay with DO. Luckily, setting up the VM was about the same as DO except I had to do the inital ssh key setup myself. Curiously, they had an outdated Debian image for install just like DO. The second step was apt upgrade and a restart.

After the switch I save $1.5 a month, have unlimited bandwidth and lose 5GBs of storage. This puts me in a good position to try and run more services through my website.