Wayland Woes


I spent a few hours yesterday trying to figure out why my mouse disappeared on my main screen, but still showed on the secondary.

Nothing shows up in the logs, but I finally hit the right keywords and found https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wlroots/wlroots/-/issues/3189. How in the hell does that even happen?

Anyway, it supposed to be fixed in Wlroots 0.15, cool. Wlroots 0.15 only exists in Debian experimental...not cool.

This adds on to the existing frustrations with Wayland. Xwayland Firefox menus are not usable when at the top of the secondary screen. So I enable the wayland version and it works fine...except when left running for a while, Firefox will crash.

So I'm currently running sway from experimental so my mouse doesn't escape to the ether anymore. Given all the these little issues I'm left wondering if I should switch to i3 or one of the big wayland DEs.