Add Open Address Data To MapsMe


Building maps for Maps.Me requires the same data as my previous posts with OSMAnd. See those posts for processing the initial data. For Maps.Me the process is more complicated since it uses C++ and adds its own data to the OSM data. The instructions are pretty good so I'll summarize the issues I had. Lessons learned:

  • Data ids must be positive, sorted ascending by feature type and in first 48 bits
  • libsqlite3-dev required to build map generator
  • Use map generator for the release branch you are targeting ie release-94 for 9.4.X
  • Set debug=0 in .ini file
  • Download subway file once, then change config to point to it. Saves 10+ minutes
  • md5 file is required
  • Street names must be very close to addr:street or addresses will be rewritten or ignored for search. See
  • Coastal states built without coastlines won't render oceans at high zooms