Visualizing OpenStreetMap Edits


I decided to visualize my contributions to OpenStreetMap(OSM) over the last few months to see what impact I had on the map. Using Overpass Turbo, you can run:

( node(user:'patrick noll'); way(user:'patrick noll'); ); out meta;

This will include all the nodes and ways where you were the last to edit. Export the data to a geojson file.

Use the Leaflet js library to render the data with Mapbox tiles you end up with a fairly crowded map you can show off on your website. See Map.js and index.html for the code you'll need. Just make sure to swap the Mapbox access token and change the fetch call to your data location.

2019-04-18 Latest data from overpass added, features went from 5051 to 9328. 2020-02-24 Clean up wording and add overpass query

LibReviews Signup Language


Second patch merged for Lib.Reviews! This patch ia a hidden ease of use feature for non-english users. Users can post links with a signupLanguage query to advertise in any supported language. Say all your friends speak esperanto, you would send them so the website will show up in esperanto without having to search for language drop down.

This should help new users feel like the website is for them instead of an english website that happens to have an interface in their language.

LibReviews Return To Path


First patch merged for Lib.Reviews! This patch is an ease of use feature for users. When you follow a link to a review on and decide to sign in or register from that page, you will now be redirected back to the review you first visited.

This feature will be very nice to have as grows and users become more likely to enter the site from a review link.